السبت، 25 فبراير 2017

In the loin A poem by Mohammed Ahmed Khaleefa Translated by Mohamad Amin Chami

In the loin

A massacre in every pace,

Silence becomes a grace,

Welcome you are, to a nation,

The dreams of are in the loin,

It is the tale which heroes,

As in Damascus as in Cairo,

Massacred in every pace,

Childhood path,

To the cemetery leads,

Our revolution knows no rest,

Even the visions are insurgent,

A massacre in every pace,

" Wait not father", said she,

"For the cunning heads end",

" Leave, it is our lane",

" No ' giraffe' is there ",

" Nor cannon nor plane ",

She said and said then ,oh,

No fade moans to be heard,

The voice, the echo, both are gone,

Assassinated at murderous hands,

O mother, O father,

We shall meet,

At the tenth sky up there,

In every home my cloud nests,

Raining with tear,

In every school there is a kid,

Embracing weeping, embracing sad sails,

No poet can attribute us,

No tribune, and no pen,

A massacre is there in every pace,

Welcome to a nation,

Sleep at order of a mistress shoe,

Led by a gang,

Forced to obey,

Till the other day,

No way lay ahead, we are all,

Like smokes shredded by a  whirlpool,

Can you hear our screams,

Detained in the deserted tents ?,

A massacre is there in every pace,

Almoqaffa belongs to us and Alwaleed,

So does Amer, and Antara indeed,

Leadership for us is a passion,

Religion to us is but yappin',

Each build a state,

From a broken bone,

Each has a banner,

With endless shades,

Like a passionate patient female,

A massacre in every pace,

" Dad, don't wait", said she,

" For a day like everyday ",

"All have their coffin and their grave,

 prepared ",

A massacre there is in every pace,

Our sights are never keen,

To a day beautiful and as green,

Our blood is for trade,

From Qassioun to Ankara

All trade,

A massacre in every pace,

Our rights, O Sirs,


Till the doomsday,

They are delayed.

في الخاصـرة (1)


فيْ كُلِّ شبرٍ مَجزَرَة

وَالصَمْتُ أصبَحَ مَفْخَرَة

أهلاً بِكم فيْ أمَّةٍ

أحلامُها فيْ الخاصِرَة

هيَ قِصَّةٌ أبْطالُها

فيْ الشَّامِ مِثلَ القاهِرَة

فيْ كلِّ شِبْرٍ مَجْزَرَة

سوقُ الطُفولَةِ عِندَنا

مَوْصولةٌ لِلمَقبَرَة

ثوراتُنا لاتَنْتَهيْ

حَتَّى رُؤانَا ثائِرَة

فيْ كُلِّ شِبْرٍ مَجْزَرَة

قالَتْ أبيْ لاتَنْتَظِر

مَوْتَ الرُؤوسِ الغادِرَة

إرحَلْ فَتِلْكَ طَريقُنَا

خَلْفَ التُخومِ الغَابِرَة

فَهُناكَ لَيْسَ ( زَرافَةٌ )

أَوْ مِدفَعٌ أوْ طائِرَة

قَالَتْ وَقالَتْ ثُمَّ لَمْ

أسْمَعْ أنينَ الحَائِرَة

ذَهَبَ الصَّدى وَالصَّوتُ ذَا

اغتالَتْهُ أيْدٍ فَاجِرَة

أُمِّيْ أَبيْ وَالمُلْتَقى

عِنْدَ السَّمَاءِ العَاشِرَة

فيْ كُلِّ بَيْتٍ غَيْمَتيْ

بِالدَّمْعِ تَذْرِفُ مَاطِرَة

فيْ كُلِّ مَدرَسَةٍ فَتى

حَفِظَ النَّحيبَ وَأبْحُرَه

لاشِعْرَ يَرسُمُ حَالَنَا

أَوْ مِنْبَرَاً أوْ مِحْبَرَة

فيْ كُلِّ شِبْرٍ مَجْزَرَة

أهْلاً بِكُمْ فيْ أمَّةٍ

تَغْفو (بِصَنْدَلِ) عَاهِرَة

وَتَقودُها مَجْموعَةُ

التَركيْعِ حَتَّى الغَرغَرة

أيْنَ المَفَرُّ فَكُلُّنَا

فيْ الرِّيحِ مِثْلَ الأبْخِرَة

هَلْ تَسْمَعونَ صُرَاخَنَا؟

تَحتَ الخِيَامِ المُقْفِرَة

فيْ كُلِّ شِبْرٍ مَجْزَرَة

مِنَّا المُقَفَّعُ وَالوَليْدُ

وَعَامِرٌ بَلْ عَنْتَرَة

سِحْرُ الزَّعَامَةِ عِشْقُنَا

وَالدِّينُ فِينَا ثَرْثَرَة

كُلٌّ سَيَبْنيْ دَوْلَةً

مِنْ عَظْمَةٍ مُتَكَسِّرَة

كُلٌّ يُجَهِّزُ رَايَةً

أَلْوَانُها لاتَنْتَهيْ

كَشُجُونِ أنْثى صَابِرَة

فيْ كُلِّ شِبْرٍ مَجْزَرَة

قَالَتْ أَبيْ لاتَنْتَظِر

يَوْماً سَيُشْبِهُ آخِرَه

فَجَميْعُنا قَدْ جُهِّزَتْ

أَكْفَانُنُا وَالمَقْبَرَة

فيْ كُلِّ شِبْرٍ مَجزَرَة

لَمْ تَهْتَديْ أَبْصارُنا

يَوْماً جَميْلاً أخْضَرَاً

كُلٌّ يَبيْعُ دِمَاءَنَا

مِنْ قَاسِيونَ لِأنْقَرَة

فيْ كُلِّ شِبْرٍ مَجْزَرَة

وَحُقوقُنا يَاسَادَتيْ

قَد أُجِّلَتْ لِلآخِرَة

قَد أُجِّلَتْ لِلآخِرَة


محمد أحمد خليفة

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